Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ebay Tonight!

I can only list 50 things a month for free on ebay, so this blog is going to start taking weekends off, I'll be back Sunday or Monday!

Stanley Jordan

Sabicas - The Day Of The Bullfight

Double Disco

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Click on a title to see the auction!

NOSEFLUTES - "The Ravers"

The Cripples - "Unfaithful Legends"

If I recall correctly, "The Cripples" were quite disliked for having such a insensitive politically incorrect name, and it was not that much longer after that, when joking around became a crime in California!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The New Deal!

I really need to get rid of some of these records, so I might not be posting every day any more, but what I am going to do, is start showing you here the records that I'm going to be selling on ebay, which should by and large be more interesting with better pictures and more information!

Ricky Skaggs

Brother Dave Gardner

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Let's Get Them Eggs Crackin'

The is as close as I've got to Easter records! Crackin'!!


Back to where we never got to!